What does it mean for our planet when the level of gravity stays focused in one level for so long. If the current trends of increased volcanic and earthquake activity then we are going to have a number of issue to start dealing with and each day they are not is one lost for those along water, fault lines, mountains, laylines and energy spots like Arkansas's crystal caves.
“The ancient Mongolians considered the man who ruled 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 people as the King. That is why the remaining 1000 days until the 21 December 2012 is very important to mankind. … In the ancient Mongolian calendar, 1000 days is one cycle of the universe, which can hold the force of the Eternal Blue Heaven. This number can completely decide the world protection from the disaster of mankind’s civilization…”
Erdenechimeg Ish, The Secret of Mayan Calendar is Revealed (2010) w
Now considering that we are crossing the galactic plane of our solar system and the next galaxy as well. The level of overall gravity in our immediate area has increased considerably and all systems have started to feel the stress of this; So release plans and control with positive intend need to be adopted for all parties.
We are inside this 1000 day period and many of the ancient Mayan predictions have been crack on and it should not be a surprise if the rest are going to come to fruition. While the intermediate time will be an unsettling time for earth and energy for that matter. The Mayan also say that we are in for an awaking into a beautiful new world.
A Hastatus believes it is better to know what is ahead and plan accordling then the alternative. So Hastatus will be linking to a white paper on using 2.0 learned practices on a large scale project to connect 100 Million homes PLUS to a self generating inteligence or the Web 3.0.